2D Animation Demo Reel by Sean Bokenkamp
I animated Meet The Organs! in Adobe Flash. The animation introduces the quirky, joyful characters of I Heart Guts, all of which were created and designed by Wendy Bryan Lazar.
The animation was made to match the theme song, which was written by Cody Lazar and performed by Octopolis.
One-Eighty was commissioned by MFX Partners and animated in Flash.
Character design, backgrounds, and lead animation are by Niall Eccles.
I did the in-betweening and compiled the animation in Adobe Flash and ensured that the visuals matched the client-provided audio.
Dr. Scientist BitQuest! was made in Toon Boom Animate to illustrate the capabilities of the BitQuest! guitar pedal.
Dark World is a frame-by-frame animation.
Gadget Gremlin, Blue Shades, and How Do You Do That? were all made in Toon Boom Animate to interpret and illustrate songs written by independent songwriters Mary Grimley and Greg Garrett.
Wind Water Sand & Snow is a frame-by-frame animation made by returning to the same stretch of beach during various seasons.